Foray to Habimah

I've been trigger happy with the D40 and on two short forays have been knocking out an unmanageable number of photos. The photos here were taken on a sleepy shabbat morning walk down Rothschild Boulevard to Habimah (Israel's National Theatre) which is undergoing major renovations. This and other big renovation projects around the city
are part of mayor Ron Huldai's attempt to exhibit an upgraded Tel Aviv in 2009 when it celebrates its centenary

Habimah was never an architectural masterpiece but was recognised by its rounded, columned entrance, obliterated by an ugly glass frontage which is now being removed.

Behind Habimah, and linking it to The Mann Auditorium (heychal ha-tarbut) is a green island known as Gan Ya'akov landscaped around some very old trees.

Apparently, "the early settlers converged to rest on the Sabbath and to water their camels from a nearby well.". On this day the only ones converging were a few homeless people and a large number of cats . This one had just put down her handbag and was preparing to read a book.

Not Ground Zero, just the hole in the ground next to the Mann Auditorium where another controversial project (in Tel Aviv all big projects are controversial) is underway - a massive underground car park.

On the way back we stopped for an hafuch (latte) at the cafe on the boulevard: young parents, babies, dogs, joggers and bikers...more young parents, babies . We couldn't stand it and left...

A beit knesset off Rothschild and looming over it, reflecting the heavens, an office tower

An old man plays chess on the boulevard with his Phillipine care-giver. It's on days such as this that I'm tempted to believe that all is normal.

Coming soon : a foray to "Mexico".


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