A stroll down the boulevard

We're having a heat wave ,a tropical heatwave. And while you are freezing, we're sitting back easing, enjoying the sunshine. And so on an unseasonably warm Shabbat morning we cycled down Sderot Rothschild, the fanciest boulevard in Tel Aviv.

An old chassid crossing the road against a background of posters advertising cool performances. Elton John, Rod Stewart, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan and the Pixies are all supposed to be performing in Israel this summer unless frightened off by boycott, divestment and sanctions.

At the bottom of the boulevard - the massive hulk of the new expanded Habimah (national theatre) building. Not only is it ugly and too big for its surroundings but the facing includes little sparkles which serve to make it look  glitzy.

Three men each pushing prams containing twins! Were they all on the same pill?
Posters advertising a Peace Now demonstration against the policy of the Bibi-Barak government described by the poster as a "masked carnaval". I should be there (in  the square outside the Cinematheque now) instead of writing this. The media seems to be playing up the possibility of a war this year. Hizbullah warlord Hassan Nasrallah threatened us this week that this time his rockets will be falling on Tel Aviv. It could be with Iran, Hizbullah, Syria, Hamas or any combination. Ho hum...

But this morning, on the boulevard people of all ages seemed relaxed.
Many doing what they most like to do.

While others seem to be carrying out group stares at trendy restraurants.

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Lynn Cohen said…
...or could they be waiting for the bus?

Thanks for the stroll down your busy blvd. I enjoyed it all...especially the twins. (As a safta to a pair myself, I enjoyed the unique gathering of fathers flocked together with twins in common.)

Ho hum? Wow.

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