
I'm on holiday! Sunday morning. Time to do some siddurim (no translation I can think of - chores like paying a bill) before heading off for the annual jazz fest in Eilat tomorrow. But first some exercise to burn off some excess carbs. This took me to the entrance to the old Jaffa port where renovation work has started on one of the big hangars, part of the development of the whole area. The workmen laying the pipe uncovered whole layers of buried buildings. That's what tends to happen when you dig up a city which is 5,000 years old.

Later, a trip in search of a a part for the Rooftop's increasingly elaborate drip-irrigation system
led me to Rehov Levinsky, where most of the people you see in the street are foreign workers . Here I came across this water container for bomb shelters. Mmmm could come in handy.

On the Florentin side of Levinsky is the famous little shuk that specialises in herring, dried fruits, olives, seeds and spices etc. A good opportunity to get in some fresh dried apricots for the hotel room. Many of the shops in Shuk Levinsky are run still by immigrants from the Balkans

And on the way home, over the heads of the narrow streets crammed with merchandise of every kind, rises the skeleton of the new International Bank building on Rothschild (see previous blog).

Back after Eilat.


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