Mid Life Crisis Plays Sublime

Mid Life Crisis in all its glory

Sunday May 10. A balmy evening. In Ramat Gan Stadium Fifty thousand fans have gathered to see Depeche Mode. Meanwhile, in a rock club in grimy south Tel Aviv, 'Mid Life Crisis' a four piece rock band, incapable of identifying even one Depeche Mode song, take to the stage.

This was MLC's second pro gig, this time at Sublime, an upgraded venue with a real stage, even a raised podium for the drums! We managed to run through 16 songs with a minimum of mistakes, the sound was reasonable, and a rocking good time was had by all.

Plans are afoot to upload some of the show to You Tube (depending on what it looks and sounds like). Meanwhile, to hear 5 Mid Life Crisis recordings including the newly added 'With A Bit of Faith', go to www.myspace.com/mlcisrael

Danny Zilberman playing those sneaky riffs in the foreground, me at the traps.

Danny Blumberg on bass guitar plays to dramatic effect

Danny Z in classic pose

Guitar lickin' Zev Labinger

Someone under 50 seems surprised to be enjoying himself

The audience - ok, consisting largely of the friends and family of the band members (special thanks to Z&W) - showered us with applause. Depeche Mode couldn't have had more of an adrenalin high.

Satisfied punters at Sublime. Could there really be a market in Israel for an ageing rock band playing original material in English?


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