The “Most Israeli” Song?

Kobi Peretz Messing around on the rooftop the other day while listening to a cultural roundup on the main current affairs radio station, Reshet Bet, I heard a new song by the Mediterranean music singer Kobi Peretz called “Barukh Hashem”(Thank God) . The presenter - Vered Yiftachi-Green - predicted that it was destined to become a “national anthem” and, after the final strains had died away, enthused: “This is the most Israeli song!” The arrangement had all the elements of big hits in Israel nowadays: low key, minimalist verses accompanied only by Spanish guitar and oud, leading to an earworm chorus over a thumping Reggaeton beat. Yup, I nodded to myself, it’s a hit. I hadn’t really paid attention to the lyrics, apart from noting that barukh hashem (thank God) featured regularly and that there was a general self-satisfied hakol beseder (everything’s fine) message. But since this was being touted as the quintessential Israel song ...