Two cities, two gay parades
For much, much more on gay issues in Israel see
This is what the gay parade looked like in Jerusalem last year and there is a school of thought inside the gay community that since Tel Aviv holds a successful parade every year, why provoke a punch-up in Jerusalem? Some also note ruefully that the Jerusalem parade has managed to unite all three monotheistic religions into an ad-hoc anti-gay holy bloc. Perhaps this infant alliance of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, based on their common sacred hatred for gays, could develop into more promising areas, like jointly working for peace for example? Naaaaaah.....
In view of what's going on on the other side of our "border" with the Palestinian authorities (one in the west and another one in the south for god's sake) it's almost refreshing that we are able to concern ourselves with the rights of gays to display their wares in the Holy City. On the other hand you'd think that Him up there would have more important abominations on His mind in His land at this time.