From Jaffa to Sderot
On a rare Friday off heading down Rothschild Boulevard , past the renovated first kiosk in Tel Aviv (now a cutesie branch in the Espresso Bar chain) in the direction of the Well Houses exhibition I've been going on about. On the way, we came across this group of young people dressed in red, being interviewed for TV. They were handing out stickers that read 'Don't abandon Sderot on Rothschild'. Their clothes red symbolised the 'Colour Red' alert that sounds in Sderot and other parts of the western Negev, every time a mortar shell or a qassam rocket is fired. This gives you about 15 seconds to find shelter, or hit the ground. On the margins of the group we met Y whose daughter, I, had single-handedly organised this show of "the bubble"'s solidarity with the embattled and shell-shocked residents of Sderot . From Rothschild they were going to march down to Rabin Square and join the protesting Sderot residents camping out there. Later on I r...