MLC plays a gig (at last!)

After 4 years of faffing around at chaotic rehearsals and playing sets of wildly fluctuating quality at private parties, Mid Life Crisis (you can call us MLC) is finally playing a real gig, in a real bar in Tel Aviv. The seminal event will take place on Tuesday, August 12 at 22.00 at the Bloom Bar, 1 Rehov Hamelekh George. B there or B square. This of course means that we actually need to learn the songs; something never quite achieved. I've taken holiday from now on to be devoted (partly) to memorising the lyrics, many of which I wrote myself! It's so embarrassing having a music stand with the lyrics next to me when we play. I mean would the Stones do that ??! We've also set 8 hours of rehearsals but you'd still have to be a naive optimist to believe that we're going to get it down pat. We also don't have any sort of stage presence to talk of (although this could conceivably part of our charm??). As for interaction with the audience -does anyone know some goo...