Street Party in Denial?

A day after US Secretary of  Defense Leon Panetta was quoted as saying that he believed Israel would attack Iran in the Spring and following a cold and rainy week of grim declarations by Israel's top security brass that time was running out to stop the Iranian nuclear threat, Tel Aviv came out to party.

The clouds cleared, the sun shone and Sderot Rothschild filled with the (mainly) young
and beautiful. There were open air bars, two DJ areas, a  market too, but mainly thousands of people.

 After a break of a year or two, Tel Aviv municipality was reinstating regular Friday afternoon street parties on Rothschild and the word had certainly got out. Apart from studiously ignoring the coming war with Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas, the main activities were nodding to the DJs sets , absorbing the chest-wrenching volume of the bass line, drinking beer and checking people out - the perfect Friday afternoon mix.

Hula hoops, obviously in deep denial, also seem to be making a comeback
Retroed young hipsterit and friend enjoying the scene. Fiddling while Rome burns? Perhaps. But before the leaders decide that the party's over, what else should ordinary people be doing other than trying to enjoy each day at a time.


Lynn Cohen said…
No words here. Just prayers for peace and hope. Gulp. Denial? Can be bliss for a while. Love seeing everyone out enjoying LIFE!

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