Everything's Gold
The writer and poet Haim Heffer a bastion of secular Israeli culture from the “ Palmach generation”, passed away yesterday and today they are playing his songs on the radio. When I first arrived in Israel and began to distinguish a few Hebrew words in the songs I was hearing on the radio, many of them were his. I also cut my teeth on the maqamas that he wrote in Yedioth Aharonoth, in which he’d comment in rhyme on current affairs – a form that seems hopelessly outdated now but was taken seriously then. Even someone taking his first steps in the language could recognize that Heffer was a master wordsmith with a prolific output. But, for me, the sentiments expressed in many of his lyrics belonged too closely to the 1948 generation, to times and places before my time, that were foreign to me. . Not so with one song that I loved from the start : Hakol Zahav (Everything’s Gold). Heffer wrote the lyrics for the singing troupe Ha-Tarnegolim ...